Want to get involved?

New Beginnings' success is attributed to it's family atmosphere and deep connection with the community and various churches. God has blessed this ministry through many individuals, churches and organizations that give their time, skill and money to help it continue. 

  • Volunteer

    Be a mentor. If you have a skill that could help the ministry, share it. 

    Examples: construction, mechanic, landscaping, etc.

    If interested in volunteering in any way, call us or send an email to the director.

  • Donate

    New Beginnings is financially supported by various churches, organizations and generous individuals. We do not receive any money from the federal or state government or insurances. If interested in financially supporting New Beginnings, more information can be found by following our donate button.

  • Join us!

    Be a part of the family. Join our bible studies, community events and attend our annual banquet. Get to know the staff and the men in the program. Our events are posted on our Facebook page. Click the image to the the left and it will take you to our page.